Webinar with Dr. James Elder
The Convergence Network is presenting a webinar with Dr. James Elder , York University, on February 24 at 11:00 ( eastern time) Title: Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Urban Mobility About James Elder James Elder received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from McGill University in 1996. He is a member of the Centre for Vision Research [...]
The Network welcomes two new industrial partners
We are happy to announce the arrival of two new industrial partners in the Convergence Network: Chaac Technologies and Thales- Research and Technology Canada.
Through this partnership, both companies hope to work with Network members on various R & D projects and benefit from our researchers expertise.
Webinar: The Role and Impact of Geospatial Information in the Big Data Arena
GeoConnections invites you to learn about how geospatial information technologies contribute to the Big Data phenomenon and inversely, how Big Data technology contributes to geomatics. You will learn more about: Fundamentals of Big Data Contributions of geomatics to Big Data Contribution of Big Data to geomatics Challenges and opportunities of Big Data in geomatics [...]
Call for papers- Spatial Knowledge and Information (SKI) Canada
The 5th Spatial Knowledge and Information (SKI) Canada conference will be held in Banff, Alberta from February 27 to March 1st 2015. The Conference convenes researchers and students from the following fields: GIScience, applied GIS, geomatics, Geoweb, remote sensing, cartography etc. A Call for papers is ongoing, for more information visit the website at: http://rose.geog.mcgill.ca/ski
SKI Best Presentation Award 2014
The Convergence Network is proud to announce the winners of the Best Presentation Awards during the Spatial Knowledge and Information CANADA (SKI) Conference. Mathieu Bourbonnais, PhD student at University of Victoria Michael Allchin, PhD student at University of Northern British Columbia The Network offered both winners a 500$ award. Congratulations!
The recording of our last webinar is now online
You can now watch the webinar presented by Rodolphe Devillers, broadcasted on January 28th (presented in French with the slides in English). Feel free to contact us or to contact Rodolphe if you have any question or comment. Don’t miss our next webinar, on February 18th, presented by Karem Chokmani.